Who can Take Web Developer Training?
Everyone from fresher to professional and students from Undergraduates, 10th & 12th class students, Graduates and Post-Graduates, Postgraduate students MCA, MCM, and engineering students etc.
Learn Web Developer language from the top Web Delevoper training Center in Jaipur gives your occupation ideal start. Join Now with CNC Infotech .
Web Developer Module
- ☑ Introduction To Web Technologies
- ☑ Adobe Photoshop
- ☑ HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1
- ☑ Basic Structure Of HTML
- ☑ Difference Between HTML and XHTML
- ☑ Head Section And Elements of Head Section
- ☑ Meta Tags,CSS Tags, Script Tag, Table Tag, Div. Tag, Header Tags
- ☑ Paragraph, Span, Pre-Tags,Anchor Links and Named Anchors ,Image Tag, Object Tag
- ☑ Iframe Tag ,Form Tag
- ☑ POST and GET Method, Field Set and Legend
- ☑ Text input, Text area,Checkbox And Radio Button
- ☑ Dropdown, List and opt group,File Upload and Hidden Fields
- ☑ Adobe Dreamweaver
- ☑ CSS
- ☑ Introduction to Cascading Style
- ☑ Types of CSS
- ☑ CSS Selectors
- ☑ CSS Properties,Type Properties,Background Properties
- ☑ Java Script
- ☑ Introduction To Client-Side Scripting,Introduction To Java Script
- ☑ JavaScript Types
- ☑ Variables in JS
- ☑ Operators in JS
- ☑ Conditions Statements
- ☑ Java Script Loops
- ☑ JS Popup Boxes
- ☑ Photoshop
- ☑ Introduction, Installation, Execution of PHP at Local host
- ☑ Language Basics Control Statements Loops
- ☑ User Defined Functions Server Side Includes
- ☑ Array Types of Array Data String and Math functions
- ☑ HTML form handling using $_POST, $_GET, Server-side Validation
Using Rag Exp
- ☑ OOPs in PHP, writing class, creating object, Constructor, Inheritance
Polymorphism, Interfaces, Exception Handling
- ☑ File Handling, Open, Close, Read / Write data to a file, File Handling
Modes, File Handling functions, File Locking, Directory Handling, File
- ☑ Linux Introduction, Basic commands, Installing XAMPP, File
- ☑ XML Introduction, Use of XML, reading data from XML File, Creating
XML file through PHP
- ☑ My SQL and PHP My Admin Introduction Writing SQL Queries
PHP-My SQL Connectivity, Writing and Executing Queries, Fetching
Data from Tables, Stored Procedures, Generating Reports
- ☑ ALAX Introduction, Methods And Properties Of XML HTTP Request
object, Web Programming using AKAX
- ☑ Practical case study based on all the topics covered above
- ☑ Introduction to Content Management Using Word Press and Joomla